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Appearances: Projects
You can book me for public speaking events.
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Salary Bands Workshop

Virgile Reingeard, CEO of Figures, and myself hosted a live and online workshop on Salary Bands. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of the recordings.

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Connecting People Experts in Berlin

Alongside Leapsome, Remote, and I hosted an exclusive panel event on the employee lifecycle and how HR leaders can craft fulfilling experiences for their employees — even in turbulent times.

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HR Debatable Podcast

I loved recording an episode of the HR Debatable Podcast with Griet Deca and Neelie Verlinden who was a fantastic host.

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'Zwischen Home Office und Remote Unternehmenskultur'

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'More Beach Meetings' - Podcast by Surf Office

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Schluss mit dem HR-Tool Dschungel

Check out this discussion with Carson Sweezy from Surf Office about remote work, company culture and hiring

Clubhouse chat with Eva Stock, Jan Gröger and myself on how remote work has changed the challenges HR faces

In diesem Lunch & Learn gehostet von Samira Helbig erkläre ich, was die Best Practices und Common Pitfalls sind, die eine Tool Implementierung zum Scheitern bringen können.

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'Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast'

Sharing my experience at The Family on how to build high-performance cultures

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'Better, faster, stronger processes'

What I learned about building effective People Operations teams - hosted by The Family


'Tagesgeschäft' - Der Podcast

Find out how I first started out and what I did in my day-to-day as VP People at

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'Making the Most of Onboarding'

The ultimate guide to creating a great Onboarding experience by Joanna Sides

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'How to Recruit and Empower Women in Today's Workplace'

I thoroughly enjoyed participating at this fantastic panel on empowering women in workplace hosted by GoEuro


'Why Company Culture Matters'

Discussing the importance of company culture when growing organisations at this Surf Office event hosted by Zalando


'End of Year Feedback als Geschenk?!'

Inspirational panel discussion with executive coach Claudia Braun and serial entrepreneur Jan Miczaika on the importance of feedback. Hosted by Leapsome


'Company culture goes beyond fun perks and snacks'

Great blogpost on the podcast with Carson Sweezy from Surf Office and myself sharing how we do things at Billie

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'Create a Start-Up Culture'

Learn how to build a high-performance Startup Culture with this Playbook -

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